This software was developed with the greatest attention to detail. However, the author can not guarantee that it runs under every version of Windows NT or on each computer flawlessly. Use of this program is at your own discretion. The copyright holder provides the program "as is" without warranty of any kind. RegDACL is a very powerful tool, and with one wrong command you can cause much havoc to your machines! So make sure you know what you do when using this tool! Reading and understanding the documentation which is included with the program should help you to avoid mistakes! RegDACL version 5.x is Freeware. You are allowed to distribute this version of the software as long as you include all files as you received them with the zip file, did not change any of them, and do not charge for the distribution. You are not allowed to distribute the file on a web or ftp server - but you may set a link to This will insure your link always points to the latest version of the software.